
Looking for a fetish female wrestler

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Looking for for a fun female wrestling partner, who loves to wrestle and dominate guys in Johannesburg or surrounding area.

I do keep in shape and have an athletic build, with good abs, so punching or any type of kickboxing welcome.

I love the idea and watching dominant females wrestle with submissive guys, putting them in to head-scissor, body-scissor, punching them in the belly or kicking them in the groin, making them tap-out and submit to them.

Also love watching them totally continually humiliate their opponents after they have totally roughed them up and worn them down.

Also like the idea of two tag female wrestlers beating me up and forcing me in to submission.

I find athletic, strong woman who like to wrestle or fight to be so hot, erotic and immensely Sexy!

Would love to be completely dominated by one.
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